Monday, February 23, 2015

Professional English for the Media 2

Professional English for the Media 2
Arezou Dilmaghani
Mondays 10-12:50 /15:30-18:20
Spring 2015

Course Description
This class examines the relationship between society and the current crop of computer-mediated communication technologies known as “social media,” including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more. These technologies are often regarded with fear or awe; the purpose of this class is to break down the mythologies of social media and develop methods of analysis and critical understanding.

Midterm                                                         40%
Presentation                                                   30%
Final Paper                                                    30%
TOTAL:                                                         100%

Attendance is not important, but all the students are due to prepare and present an article. 

All the students are due to find an article and present it. The article should:
1- About Media
2- It should be a new one; 2013, 2014, 2015
3- It should be at least 6 pages
4- All the students should submit their articles until the last day of midterm exams.
5- All the students have the opportunity to present the chosen article in 5 – 10 minutes.
6- Related questions will be asked
7- All the students have the chance to prepare their article in group but the presentation should be given individually.

·         I am not going to answers any emails written in Turkish.
·         All the messages should be delivered through my email address or weblog. Do not expect any answers for the messages sent through other applications like Facebook.