Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Unit One ( easy version)

This article explains the culture dimensions in a more easy way. you can read this and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me,

The five dimensions:

1-Power distance: Hierarchy is a feature of most human life, but in some cultures, the gap between those with a lot of power and those with little power is wider. This leads to a society where power is concentrated on a small number of people at the top who make most of the decisions, and there is less expectations of movement between classes or levels. In cultures where power distance is low, people tend to expect that those in power have earned it. They also expect power relations to be more democratic that those in a high power distance society.

2-Individualism/ collectivism: if people are from individualistic society they will see themselves as single independent actors, not as a group members at a deep level as people in collective societies do. It is also important to realize that this dimension does not show that some people like to be in groups: they are in groups because it is a matter of identity.

3-Uncertainly avoidance: in some cultures, people prefer to have everything presented in detail so there will be few, if any surprises. In cultures where uncertainly avoidance in low, people are more relaxed about the unknown and are not worried when they don’t have all the details.

4-Masculinity: in this dimension, there is a gender gap. Women’s values are said to be more similar across all cultures. Women are said to value kindness, building relationships and reaching agreements through communications. In culture with a low masculinity dimensions, men also share the values connected with women and there is more equality between men and women. However, cultures with a high masculinity dimensions have more values connected with men: competition, assertiveness and looking out for Number One. In such cultures, the values of women also move toward the masculinity end of the spectrum.

5-Long-term/short-term orientation: long-term planning, saving and hard work are valued in cultures with long-term orientation, whereas living for the moment is more important in those with short-term orientations.

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