Friday, November 7, 2014

Professıonal English for the Media 1: Mid-term
answer key

Professional English for the Media 1
Student No:
35 Minutes
Please choose the best answer for the following questions:
1- I took one ………………… and I knew it was Frank Sinatra.
a) ingenious              b)rave                c)glance          d) nimble
2- When the food supply is ………………….. there is no reason for anyone to go hungry.
a) abundant                 b) appropriate                         c) panic                       d) threat
3- The …………………of snow caused us to change our holiday plans.
a) abundant                 b) appropriate                         c) panic                       d) threat
4-It was a horrid sight to see the lion ……………………the lamp.
a) reckless       `           b) devour                     c)morsel          d) emerge
5- The odor did not vanish, but ………………….. on for weeks.
a) linger                      b) ban                          c) horrid          d)perish
6- I am …………….. of debating the same topic all day.
a) plea                         b) collide                     c) weary          d) anticipate
7- The first time a message was ………………….over a telegraph was in 1840.
a) baffled                    b)requested                 c)confirmed                d)transmitted
8- Living in rural area, Riza was ……………….. of concerts and plays.
a) deprived                  b)beneficiary               c)unstable                   d)penalized    
9- I was the ………………………. of $ 8.000 when my grandmother died.
a) deprived                  b)beneficiary               c)unstable                   d)penalized 
10- The …………………….. smoker ignited the entire forest.
a) horrid                      b) glance                     c)reckless                    d)emerge
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions 11 to 15
Unlike-mail based phishing attacks that have less than a 1% success rate, phishing attacks on social media appear to be far more successful and simulated attacks report more than a 40% success rate. The high victimization rate can be attributed to the unique nature of social media phishing attacks. For one, phishing attacks on social media occur over relatively new and evolving platforms such as Facebook and Google Plus, where the interface, its functionalities, and its user protections are constantly changing. Consequently individuals may be unable to achieve a degree of mastery over the use of the platform. Two, e-mail-based phishing is usually a one-stage attack, where the phisher sends an e-mail to a large number of individuals and awaits a response. In contrast, phishing attacks on social media are often two-stage attacks. In the first stage, the phisher sends a friend-request and attempts to friend (connect with) a potential victim. The acceptance of a friend-request could net a wealth of information about the victim. Given the networked nature of social media, the phisher could also gather information about every other person the victim is connected to and the friends of those other individuals as well. The phisher could then move to the second-stage of the attack and utilize Facebook’s in-built messaging function to request information directly from the victim. Such requests could be for personal information and could be tailored by using information from the victim’s profile, wall posts, and news feeds, making the request more personalized and, thus, persuasive.
11- What is the rate of success of phishing attacks on Facebook?
a) 1%                           b) 40%                         c) more than 40%                   d) less than 40%
12- Why social media users are unable to achieve a degree of mastery over the use of the platform? Because
a) they are potential victims              b)there are a large number of individuals
c) social media’s user protections are constantly changing              d) all
13- What nature of social media cause the phisher to gather information about every other person the victim is connected?
a) large number of individuals           b)network                    c)persuasive                d) interface
14- Email based phishing attacks have …………….. stages.
a) two              b) one              c) direct                       d)indirect
15- What is the meaning of phishing attack? It means:
a) to receive information       b) to get username and password of others
c) to get money from others              c) to attack people
16- Who is a gatekeeper?
a) a journalist              b) editor          c) a typist        d) a and b
17) What is the responsibility of a gatekeeper?
a) to choose which news to be published
b) to choose who should who is going to write a news
c) to write the news himself
d) to receive the news
18- Which one is not count as Media?
a) newspaper              b) book            c) cinema        d) sport
19- Why media can make its consumers antisocial? Because the consumers
a) are just receiving message rather than participating in a conversation
b) don’t want to socialize with people as they are busy using media
c) media seduce its consumers
d) media have techniques to hook its consumers
20- In what version of media the interaction in two-way?
a) cinema                    b) social network        c)newspaper               d) book


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