Monday, October 28, 2013

Dear all,
up to now the below students are not going to attend the mid-term exam for professional life one, I will update the list as soon as I read your papers:
Ozan Tuzun (11120169)
Ozgen Ekin Ulug (11120175)
Adil Ozhan Yuksel
Deniz Dilan Aslan

English for academic purposes:
Rafis Abliazimov (10120280)
Soner Tomruk (11120165)
Nuriye Akyel (11120014)
Sakit Kassimov (11120260)
Doga Hasturk (11120108)
Oxana Ponomarenco (11120255)
Pinar Ayhan (11120044)

Forth grade students who are not going to attend the exam:
Muslu Caner Nezir (10120299)
???? (10120141) (please send me an email or send a comment on this blog and let me know your name!!!)
Dogancan Aksoy (09120009)
Melike Bahar Cilali (09120215)
Dicle kavak (09120113)

two more names for English for professional life:
Ferda Idil Lostar (10120156)
Robia Akcebe (10120004)
Gaye Gugluten (10120109)
Onur Erturk (10120085)
Ibni Sina Melitca
Emirhan Karatekin *10120125
K.Can Gursoy (11120105)
Orkan Basak (10120040)

I will reveal more names soon

Just to remind you again: those students whose their names are on the list should be present on the exam day and sign the list. 

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