Friday, November 8, 2013

professional life 1 (mid-term)

Student No:
40 minutes
  • Choose the best answer to the questions 1-50:
  • Vocabulary:
  1. I used …………… when I told my fat uncle that his extra weight made him look better.
A.            keen     B. tact        C. oath        D. dense
2.            The president will take the …….of office tomorrow.
A.            oath    B. gallant     C. data        D. bachelor
3.            My aunt was so ………of our new sofa that she bought one just like it.
A.            vacant     B. jealous    C. qualify    D. unaccustomed
4.            I won the …………….that my bachelor friend would be married by June.
A.            tempt    B. conceal     C. wager    D. vapor
5.            Eskimos inhabit in …………….. part of Alaska.
A.            gloomy    B. dismal     C. numb    D. frigid    
6.            The ………. passing mark in most schools is 75%.
A.            Devise     B. minimum     C. talent     D. visible
7.            Why don’t you ………….. all the space in that page?
A.            eliminate     B. utilize    C. circulate    D. predict
8.            In the show the magician waved his wand to make a lady ……………
A.            Wipe out     B. gossip    C. vanish    D. extend
9.            I heard a doctor on a television show say that if we …………… one slice of bread each day, we’ll lose weight.
A.            eliminate     B. use         C. change     D. descend
10.          Who can ……………..the winner of Oscar this year?
A.            predict    B. enormous     C. utilize    D. vapor
11.          When you are interested is something. It is said that you are……….
A.            keen on     B. keen in     C. keen at    D. keen with
12.          What is the singular form of data?
A.            date    B.  dates     C. day        D. datum
13.          When a woman is not married we call her:
A.            bachelor    B. lady        C. spinster    D. spin
14.          I am not feeling high today. I feel ……….
A.            green    B. blue        C. brown     D. black
15.          They find a big diamond and the experts believe that this diamond is ……………
A.            typical     B. exorbitant    C. priceless    D. wholesale
16.          Ankara is a big city, but good restaurants are………………….
A.            sparse    B. enormous     C. huge        D. net
17.          ……………………… of newspapers in US is more than 10 million a day.
A.            orbit    B. circulation    C. circulate     D. rotate
18.          Which world has a completely different meaning?
A.            recline    B. prone     C. predict     D. lying down

19.          Which world has a completely different meaning?
A.            eradicate     B. eliminate     C. abolish     D. evaporate
20.          The ………………items in the cake are flour, sugar and milk
A.            annual         B. essential     C. expensive     D. utilize
  • theory
  • choose the best culture dimension for questions 21 to 27:
21.          Work and ideas are shared by the members of the group
A.            Power distance     B. individualism/ collectivism     C. uncertainty avoidance     D. masculinity/femininity
22.          Men and women have similar status and ideas
A.            Power distance     B. individualism/ collectivism     C. uncertainty avoidance     D. masculinity/femininity
23.          Most employees do not have close contact with those who make decisions
A.            Power distance     B. individualism/ collectivism     C. uncertainty avoidance     D. masculinity/femininity
24.          Planning ahead is very important
A.            Long-term/short-term orientation    B. Uncertainly avoidance    C.Individualism/ collectivism    D. Power distance
25.          Everyone can make suggestions and their ideas are listened to
A.            Power distance     B. individualism/ collectivism     C. uncertainty avoidance     D. masculinity/femininity
26.          Decisions are made quickly and being spontaneous is important
A.            Long-term/short-term orientation    B. Uncertainly avoidance    C.Individualism/ collectivism    D. Power distance
27.          Staff can work without knowing all the details
A.            Power distance     B. individualism/ collectivism     C. uncertainty avoidance     D. masculinity/femininity
28.          What is the different between a muscular society and a feminine society?
A.            A muscular society is a society based on quality
B.            A feminine society is a society based on quantity
C.           A muscular society is based on quantity while a feminine society is based on quality
D.           In a muscular society people are more aggressive
  • Decide which of the following factors are hygiene or motivation factors
29.          Rude colleagues
A.           Hygiene factors        B. motivation factors         C. both        D. none
30.          Promotion
A.           Hygiene factors        B. motivation factors         C. both        D. none
31. Low pay
A.           Hygiene factors        B. motivation factors         C. both        D. none  
32.          An aggressive manager
A.           Hygiene factors        B. motivation factors         C. both        D. none
33.          Only a few days of annual leave
A.           Hygiene factors        B. motivation factors         C. both        D. none
34.          Responsibility
A.           Hygiene factors        B. motivation factors         C. both        D. none
35.          In a 5 paragraph essay, the fifth paragraph is called:
A.            Introduction         B. main paragraph        C. conclusion     D. none
36.          In writing a CV, which information is not necessary to be mentioned for contacts:
A.            Phone number         B. email         C. address    D. schools telephone
37.          In writing a CV, which information is not necessary?
A.            Family composition    B. contact    C. education         D.  skills
38.          In writing a 5 paragraph essay, how should we start our first sentence
A.            with a very personal example
B.            with a funny joke
C.           with an interesting sentence
D.           with repeating the header of the topic
39.          In a 5 paragraph essay, in how many paragraphs we should expand our idea? *how many examples should we focus on?)       
A.            2    B. 3        C. 4        D. 5
40.          In writing a CV, which one is necessary?
A.            Writing our name only on the first page
B.            Writing the date of composing the CV
C.           Writing a close friend’s telephone number for emergency calls
D.           Writing details about our non-relevant experiences

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